St. Francis Anglo Indian Girls High School

Refund / Cancellation Policy

Refund / Cancellation Policy

  • The startup package offered by St. Francis Anglo Indian Girls High School are non refundable. In case you feel that the service details provided to you are not as per your expectations, you must bring it to the notice of our Technical Team, after looking into your complaint will take an appropriate decision.
  • We cannot accept liability for a payment not reaching the correct St. Francis Anglo Indian Girls High School account due to you quoting an incorrect account number or incorrect personal details. Neither can we accept liability if payment is refused or declined by the credit/debit card supplier for any reason.
  • If the card supplier declines payment the St. Francis Anglo Indian Girls High School is under no obligation to bring this fact to your attention. You should check with your bank/credit/debit card supplier that payment has been deducted from your account.


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